About Us


Welcome to Kooshk Tech, your trusted AI consulting agency. We're dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, flexible working hours, and personalized solutions to meet your unique needs. At Kooshk Tech, we take pride in our loyalty programs and strive to exceed your expectations with every interaction.

Our mission is simple: to provide tailored AI solutions that empower your business and drive success. Whether you're looking to implement AI technologies, optimize existing processes, or embark on a digital transformation journey, you can count on Kooshk Tech for a seamless AI experience.

Partner with us, and let's explore the possibilities of AI together. Welcome to the future of innovation with Kooshk Tech.


About Us


Let's sidestep the buzz and focus on the Kooshk Tech– artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science aren't just futuristic aspirations; they're integral components of the toolkit for today's pioneering enterprises.

While enhancements in production efficiency, task automation, and eco-conscious manufacturing might not always steal the spotlight, it's within these inconspicuous operations that AI truly demonstrates its worth.

The beauty lies in leveraging existing AI frameworks – there's a plethora of pre-existing solutions awaiting deployment. At Kooshk Tech, we specialize in pinpointing the ideal technologies for each unique business challenge. While we're certainly adept at crafting prototypes and concepts, our forte lies in implementing robust AI solutions primed for practical application.

Why Outsource your Ai Services?

  1. Access to Specialized Expertise: Outsourcing AI services grants businesses access to a team of professionals with specialized skills in areas like machine learning, data science, and neural networks. This expertise ensures high-quality results and reduces the risk of errors.

  2. Cost Savings: Outsourcing AI services can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. It eliminates expenses related to recruitment, training, salaries, benefits, and infrastructure, as well as the ongoing costs of technology upgrades.

  3. Faster Time to Market: With a dedicated team focused on the project, outsourcing accelerates the development and implementation of AI solutions. This speeds up the delivery of innovative products or services to market.

  4. Scalability and Flexibility: Outsourcing allows businesses to scale AI resources according to project needs. This flexibility enables companies to adapt quickly to changing requirements without the constraints of managing a fixed-size team.

  1. Risk Mitigation: Experienced AI service providers mitigate project risks by navigating challenges and implementing best practices. This expertise reduces the likelihood of project delays or failures.

  2. Focus on Core Competencies: Outsourcing AI services lets businesses focus on their core competencies and strategic goals. It frees up resources for innovation and growth while leaving technical complexities to the experts.

  3. Access to Advanced Technologies: AI service providers have access to cutting-edge technologies and tools. Partnering with them gives businesses access to the latest advancements in AI, enhancing their competitiveness.

  4. Enhanced Security and Compliance: Reputable AI service providers prioritize data security and compliance. They implement robust security measures and adhere to privacy standards and regulations, ensuring data protection and legal compliance.



